曾任森 1965年出生于江西玉山。博士,教授,博士生导师,福建农林大学农学院院长,作物抗性与化学生态学研究所所长,作物遗传育种与综合利用教育部重点实验室主任,闽台作物生物育种农业农村部重点实验室主任。首批教育部新世纪优秀人才培养计划入选者,广东省珠江学者特聘教授,福建省引进人才。国际上先后兼任国际化感作用学会(International Allelopathy Society)理事长,海外华人昆虫学家协会(Overseas Chinese Entomologists Association)主席,国际化学生态学学会(International Society of Chemical Ecology)理事,亚太地区化学生态学家协会理事(Asia Pacific Association of Chemical Ecologists),亚洲化感作用学会(Asian Allelopathy Society)秘书长;Annual Review of Entomology (IF 23.8)编委,Frontiers in Plant Science(IF 5.6)和Frontiers in Microbiology(IF 5.2)领域副主编,Journal of Chemical Ecology (IF 2.6)编委;国内兼任中国作物学会理事,中国昆虫学会理事,福建省作物学会副理事长,《中国农业科学》和《应用生态学报》编委等。
1985年江西农业大学农学专业本科毕业,分别于1991年和2000年获华南农业大学生态学理学硕士和博士学位。1991年至2014年3月在华南农业大学农学院工作,2003年破格晋升教授。期间,2001年4月至2002年2月在加拿大湖头大学进行合作研究。2005年2月至2006年8月以及2012年8-11月在美国伊利诺大学美国科学院院士、著名化学生态学家和昆虫学家May R. Berenbaum教授实验室访问学者。2014年4月调入福建农林大学工作。2014年9月至2016年11月担任福建农林大学生命科学学院院长,2016年12月至今担任福建农林大学农学院院长。
主要从事化学生态学、作物生理生态学、植物与昆虫和微生物互作、绿色栽培与生态农业研究,近年来主持各类科研课题30多项,其中主持国家自然科学基金各类项目15项;在国内外发表学术论文170多篇,其中在PNAS, Annual Review of Entomology, New Phytologist, Current Biology等国外SCI核心刊物发表论文120多篇。入选Research.com遴选的中国植物科学与农学顶尖科学家排名榜单。国家发明专利4件。主持召开国际会议4次,多次在国际会议上做大会特邀报告,应邀在美国多所大学和研究机构做学术报告。先后与加拿大、美国、澳大利亚和德国等国家的科学家建立了紧密的国际合作关系。加拿大、西班牙、巴基斯坦等多国访问学者到所在的化学生态学实验室从事合作研究半年以上。
(1) Zhang TT, Lu L, Yang N, Fisk ID, Wei WS, Wang L, Li J, Sun Q*,Zeng RS*. Integration of hyperspectral imaging, non-targeted metabolomics and machine learning for vigour prediction of naturally and accelerated aged sweetcorn seeds. Food Control, 2023, 109930.
(2) Lin YB, Lin XH, Ding CH, Xia X, Xue RR, Sun ZX, Chen DQ, Zhu-Salzman K, Zeng RS*, Song YY*. Priming of rice defense against a sap-sucking insect pest brown planthopper by silicon. Journal of Pest Science, 2022, 95:1371-1385 DOI : 10.1007/s10340-021-01462-4.
(3) Gao Z#, Ju XY#, Yang MY#, Xue RR, Li Q, Fu KY, Guo WC, Tong L, Zeng RS*, Wang J*. Colorado potato beetle exploits frass-associated bacteria to suppress defense responses in potato plants. Pest Management Science. 2022, 78: 3778–3787. 10.1002/ps.6823.
(4) Hu L, Sun ZX, Xu CC, Wang J, Mallik AU, Gu CZ, Chen DQ, Lu L, Zeng RS, Song YY*. High nitrogen in maize enriches gut microbiota conferring insecticide tolerance in lepidopteran pest Spodoptera litura. iScience. 2022, 25: 103726.
(5) Wang J, Song J, Wu XB, Deng QQ, Zhu ZY, Ren MJ, Ye M* & Zeng RS*. (2021). Seed priming with calcium chloride enhances wheat resistance against wheat aphid Schizaphis graminum Rondani. Pest Management Science. doi.org/10.1002/ps.6513
(6) Xu T, Xu M, Lu YY, Zhang WQ, Sun JH*, Zeng RS*, Turlings TCJ*, Chen L*. An ant trail pheromone suppresses dispersal and stimulates reproduction in mutualistic aphids. Current Biology. 2021. 31, 1–10. DOI:10.1016/j.cub.2021.08.032
(7) Lu K, Li Y., Cheng YB, Li WR, Song YY, Zeng RS*, Sun ZX*. Activation of the NR2E nuclear receptor HR83 leads to metabolic detoxification-mediated chlorpyrifos resistance in Nilaparvata lugens, Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology. 2021, 173: 104800.
(8) Cheng YB, Li YM, Li WR, Song YY, Zeng RS*, Lu K*. Inhibition of hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 confers imidacloprid resistance in Nilaparvata lugens via the activation of cytochrome P450 and UDP-glycosyltransferase genes. Chemosphere 2021, 263: 128269.
(9) Lu K, Song Y, & Zeng R*. (2021). The role of cytochrome P450-mediated detoxification in insect adaptation to xenobiotics. Current Opinion in Insect Science. 43:103-107.
(10) Lu K,Cheng YB, Li YM, Li WR, Zeng RS, & Song YY*. Phytochemical flavone confers broad-spectrum tolerance to insecticides in Spodoptera litura by activating ROS/CncC-mediated xenobiotic detoxification pathways. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2021, 69, 7429?7445.
(11) Wang J#, Gao Z#, Yang MY#, Xue RR, Yan H, Fu KY, Zhang ZJ, Guo WC, Felton GW & Zeng RS*. Geographically isolated Colorado potato beetle mediating distinct defense responses in potato is associated with the alteration of gut microbiota. 2020, Journal of Pest Science, 93: 379-390.
(12) Cheng YB, Li YM, Li WR, Song YY, Zeng RS*, Lu K*. Effect of hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 on the fecundity of Nilaparvata lugens: Insights from RNA interference combined with transcriptomic analysis. Genomics. 2020, 112: 4585–4594.
(13) Song YY#, Wang M#*, Zeng RS, Groten K, & Baldwin I T*. Priming and filtering of anti‐herbivore defenses among Nicotiana attenuata plants connected by mycorrhizal networks. Plant, Cell & Environment. 2019, 42: 2945–2961. doi /10.1111/pce.13626
(14) Lu K, Wang Y, Chen X, Zhang XY, Li WR, Cheng YB, Li Y, Zhou JM, You KK, Song YY, Zhou Q*, Zeng RS*. Adipokinetic hormone receptor mediates trehalose homeostasis to promote vitellogenin uptake by oocytes in Nilaparvata lugens. Frontiers in Physiology, 2019, 9: 1904, doi: 10.3389/fphys.2018.01904.
(15) Gu CZ, Lv J, Yuan SH, Song YY, Yang CR, Zhang YJ*, Zeng RS*. Chemical investigation on the secondary metabolites of Streptomyces sp. 4205. Natural Product Communications, 2019, 14, 10.1177.
(16) Wang J*, Peiffer M, Rosa C, Hoover K, Zeng RS, Felton G W. Helicoverpa zea gut-associated bacteria indirectly induce defenses in tomato through mediating salivary elicitor(s). New Phytologist. 2017, 214: 1294-1306.
(17) Ye M, Song YY, Baerson SR, Long J, Wang J, Pan Z, Lin WX, Zeng RS*. Ratoon rice generated from primed parent plants exhibit enhanced herbivore resistance. Plant Cell and Environment. 2017, 40: 779-787.
(18) Wu XY, Yu YG, Baerson SR, Song YY, Liang GH, Ding CH, Niu JB, Pan Z, Zeng RS*. Interactions between nitrogen and silicon in rice and their effects on resistance towards the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2017, 8:28.
(19) Wang RL, Zhu-Salzman K, Baerson SR, Xin XW, Li J, Su YJ, Zeng RS*. Identification of a novel cytochrome P450 CYP321B1 gene from tobacco cutworm (Spodoptera litura) and RNA interference to evaluate its role in commonly used insecticides. Insect Science. 2017, 24: 235-247.
(20) Zhu-Salzman K and Zeng RS. Insect response to plant defensive protease inhibitors. Annual Review of Entomology. 2015, 60:233-252.
(21) Zeng RS. Introduction. Annual Review of Entomology. 2015, 60: V-VI.
(22) Wang RL, Li J, Staehelin C, Xin XW, Su YJ, Zheng SC, Zeng RS*. Expression analysis of two P450 monooxygenase genes of the tobacco cutworm moth (Spodoptera litura) at different developmental stages and in response to plant allelochemicals. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 2015. 41: 111-119.
(22) Li XX, Zhao J, Tan ZY, Zeng RS, Liao H*.GmEXPB2, a cell wall β-expansin gene, regulates affects soybean nodulation through modifying root architecture and promoting nodule formation and development. Plant Physiology. 2015. 169: 2640-2653.
(24) Wang RL, Xia QQ, Baerson SR, Ren Y, Wang J, Su YJ, Zheng SC, Zeng RS*. Identification of a novel cytochrome P450 CYP6AB14 gene in Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and evaluation of its role in plant allelochemical detoxification via RNA interference. Journal of Insect Physiology. 2015. 75: 54-62.
(25) Song YY, Chen DM, Lu K, Sun ZX, Zeng RS*. Enhanced tomato disease resistance primed by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2015, 6:786.
(25) Song YY, Ye M, Li CY, He XH, Zhu-Salzman K, Wang RL, Su YJ, Luo S M, Zeng RS*. Hijacking common mycorrhizal networks for herbivore-induced defence signal transfer between tomato plants. Scientific Reports. 2014, 4: 3915.
(27) Zeng RS. Allelopathy: the solution is indirect. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 2014. 40: 515-516.
(28) Ye M, Song YY, Long J, Wang RL, Baerson SR, Pan ZQ, Zhu-Salzman KY, Xie JF, Cai KZ, Luo SM, Zeng RS*. Priming of jasmonate-mediated antiherbivore defense responses in rice by silicon. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2013, 110(38): E3631-3639.
(29) Song YY, Ye M, Li CY, Wang RL, Wei XC, Luo SM, Zeng RS*. Priming of anti-herbivore defense in tomato by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus and involvement of the jasmonate pathway. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 2013, 39(7): 1036-1044.
(30) Zhang H, Mallik A, Zeng RS*. Control of Panama disease of banana by rotating and intercropping with Chinese chive (Allium tuberosum Rottler): Role of plant volatiles. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 2013, 39(2): 243-252.
(31) Zeng RS, Wen Z, Niu G, Berenbaum MR. Aflatoxin B1: toxicity, bioactivation and detoxification in the polyphagous caterpillar Trichoplusia ni. Insect Science. 2013, 20:318-328.
(32) Ye M, Luo SM, Xie JF, Li YF, Xu T, Liu Y, Song YY, Zhu-Salzman KY, Zeng RS*. Silencing COI1 in rice increases susceptibility to chewing insects and impairs inducible defense. PLoS ONE. 2012, 7(4): e36214.
(33) Wang RL, Staehelin C, Franck ED, Song YY, Su YJ, Zeng RS*. Simulated acid rain accelerates litter decomposition and enhances the allelopathic potential of the invasive plant Wedelia trilobata (Creeping Daisy). Weed Science, 2012, 60: 462-467.
(34) Song YY, Cao M, Xie LJ, Liang XT, Zeng RS*, Su YJ, Huang JH, Wang RL, Luo SM. Induction of DIMBOA accumulation and systemic defense responses as a mechanism of enhanced resistance of mycorrhizal corn (Zea mays L.) to sheath blight (Rhizoctonia solani). Mycorrhiza, 2011, 21: 721-731.
(34)Song YY, Zeng RS*, Xu JF, Li J, Shen X, Yihdego WG. Interplant communication of tomato plants through underground common mycorrhizal networks. PLoS ONE, 2010, 5(10): e13324.
(36) Wen Z#, Zeng RS#, Niu G, Berenbaum MR*, Schuler M A. Ecological significance of induction of broad-substrate cytochrome P450s by natural and synthetic inducers in Helicoverpa zea. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 2009, 35: 183-189.
(37) Zeng RS*, Wen Z, Niu G, Schuler MA, Berenbaum MR*. Enhanced toxicity and induction of cytochrome P450s suggest a cost of eavesdropping in a multitrophic interaction. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 2009, 35: 526-532.
(38) Liu YH, Liu DL, An M, Fu YL, Zeng RS*, Luo SM, Wu HW, Pratley J. Modelling tritrophic interactions mediated by induced defence volatiles. Ecological Modelling. 2009, 220: 3241-3247.
(39) Zeng RS*, Niu G,D Wen ZM, Schuler MA, Berenbaum MR*. Allelochemical induction of cytochrome P450 monooxygenases and amelioration of xenobiotic toxicity in Helicoverpa zea. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 2007, 33(3): 449-461.
(40) Bi HH, Zeng RS*, Su LM, An M, Luo SM. Rice allelopathy induced by methyl jasmonate and methyl salicylate. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 2007, 33(5): 1089-1103.
(41) Zeng RS*, Niu GD, Wen ZM, Schuler MA, Berenbaum MR. Toxicity of aflatoxin B1 to Helicoverpa zea and bioactivation by cytochrome P450 monooxygenases. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 2006, 32:1459-1471.
(42) Zeng RS, Mallik AU*. Selected ectomycorrhizal fungi of black spruce (Picea mariana) can detoxify phenolic compounds of Kalmia angustifolia. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 2006, 32:1473-1489.
(43) Zeng RS*, Mallik AU, Setliff E. Growth stimulation of ectomycorrhizal fungi by root exudates of Brassicaceae plants: role of degraded compounds of indole glucosinolates. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 2003, 29(6): 1337-1355.
(44) Zeng RS*, Luo SM, Shi MB, Shi YH, Zeng Q, Tan HF. Allelopathy of Aspergillus japonicus SAITO on crops. Agronomy Journal. 2001, 93(1):60-64.
(44) Zeng RS*, Luo SM, Shi YH, Shi MB, Tu CY. Physiological and biochemical mechanism of allelopathy of secalonic acid F on higher plants. Agronomy Journal. 2001, 93(1):72-79.
(1)Zeng RS (主编), Mallik AU, Luo SM(eds). 2008.Allelopathy in sustainable agriculture and forestry. Springer, New York(英文), pp 1-412.
(2)Zeng RS(参编一章). Roles of allelochemicals induced by mycorrhizal fungi in disease resistance of plants. In “Allelochemicals: biological control of plant pathogen and diseases”, Inderjitand K.G. Mukerji (Eds.), Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 2006,pp181-192 (英文)
(3)骆世明主编. 农业生态学(第三版),农业出版社,2017,全国高等农林院校十二五规划教材.(曾任森参编)
(5)林文雄,陈雨海,曾任森(副主编)等. 农业生态学,高等教育出版社,2015,全国高等农林院校基础课程教材.
1.邮箱:rszeng@fafu.edu.cn, rszeng@scau.edu.cn